Friday, May 27, 2011

8 step Learning Management

Well, finally we see the word andragogy. Very interesting, though. What is it about adults that mean they can’t learn the same way as children? I guess in this model, it is the prior learning, the pre-conceived ideas. It could also be the metacognition that adults are more capable of, or the less trusting nature of adults. Tell an adult that the sky is red, or that water flow up hill or that the gravitational force between two bodies is proportional to the mass of each and inversely proportional to the distance between them, they just won’t take your word as truth.

I guess I’m kind of lucky to be teaching a course where they don’t have to believe every word I say and that I can demonstrate many of the concepts they are learning about.

The rest of the model seems pretty straight forward, if not a little oversimplified. As in my last blog, it is quite a bit more interrelated than a step by step process.

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